Setup Vendors - Required Documents Tab

Make the following menu selections to display this tab:

eFinancials—Setup—AP Setup—Vendors—Required Documents Tab or
—Setup—Vendors—Required Documents Tab

Use this tab to add or edit insurance information for a vendor.


For each insurance policy you want to enter for this vendor, complete a line. The fields in a line are as follows:


Click the drop-down list and select a type of insurance, for example, Liability Insurance or Workers Compensation. Insurance types are set up using Required Document Types in global setup.


This check box indicates whether you want the system to check the Required Documents information for effective and expiration dates for insurance for this vendor.

Checked - Require the system to check Required Documents effective and expiration dates for Purchase Orders, Invoices, and Subcontracts.

NOTE that this check box works in conjunction with global policies related to Required Documents for purchase orders, invoices, and subcontracts.

Depending on your global policy settings, if you check the Required check box here, then when you click the Save button in Purchase Order, Invoice Entry, or Subcontracts, a message may appear about the effective or expiration dates of the policies.

For more information, refer to the Required Documents policies in these topics:

Global Policies Setup - PO Tab

Allow POs despite effective/expiration date issues with required documents

Global Policies Setup - Invoice Tab

Allow invoices despite effective/expiration date issues with required documents

Effect of Setup on Subcontracts


Unchecked - Do not require the system to check Required Documents information for insurance for this vendor.


The insurance carrier name for the policy. Click in the field and add or edit the insurance carrier name.

Policy/Document #

The policy or document number for the policy. Click in the field and add or edit the policy or document number.

Effective Date

The effective date of the policy. Click in the field and use the Electronic Calendarto select or change the date.

Expiration Date

The expiration date of the policy. Click in the field and use the Electronic Calendarto select or change the date.


To delete a policy, click the Delete button.



Add PO

Add Invoice


See Also

Vendors Tab

Setup Questions Vendor Required Documents Tab